From Indus to Changtang

India - Indian Himalayas - Ladakh - Your tailor-made trip

15 days - from 1925€

Day 1

New Delhi, the Indian capital
Welcome to India, where your Travel Expert and your private driver will warmly welcome you. On your way to the hotel, think about the great adventure that awaits you on your trek in the Himalayas tomorrow.
Upon arrival at the hotel, rest for some time to get back in shape after your long flight to reach Delhi. The fervour of the Indian capital contrasts with the tranquillity of your days to come. During this short stop in Delhi, necessary in order to reach Ladakh, why not venture out early in the evening to the east of the city to witness the spectacle of fountains, light and sound at the huge temple of Akshardham. Night at the hotel.
Day 2

Leh, capital of Ladakh
Very early morning transfer to the domestic airport to catch the only flight of the day to Ladakh. This flight is one of the only accesses for this region which is among the most isolated in the world. You fly over the Himalayan range and its snow-capped peaks. not taking your eyes off the incredible view from your airplane window. Upon arrival at Leh Airport, you will be welcomed by our Shanti Travel representative and meet your small group of fellow travellers. Your private driver will bring you by Jeep to reach the centre of Leh, which is the capital of Ladakh.

Guesthouse at 3,500 metres
Day 3

Discovery of the most important monasteries of Ladakh
Today, you set out to explore the east valley of the Indus and its sumptuous monasteries. You ride through a lunar landscape of arid mountains, contrasting with many small villages and dominated by majestic monasteries. You admire the Thiksey Monastery before continuing your visit to the Matho Monastery and finish this tour with the discovery of the palace of Shey.

Guesthouse at 3,500 metres
Day 4

Start of your trek in the Sham Valley
Today is the big day: the beginning of your trekking adventure in the Sham Valley. You are driven a few kilometres to the west of Leh, to the village of Likir where you will meet the local team that will accompany you throughout your trek in Ladakh. The adventure begins with the crossing of your first mountain pass, the Phobe La at 3,580 metres. On the other side, you discover the charming village of Sumdo. Then you continue on a gradual ascent to the Chagatse La Pass at 3,630 metres. After lunch, you start the descent to the village of Yangtang where you will set up camp for the night.

Camp at 3,670 metres / 3h-4h walk / + 430m / -268m
Day 5

Mineral landscapes and an authentic oasis
Today, you walk past rocky mountains in multiple shades of ochre. The spectacle of this immensity, surmounted by snow-capped peaks, is fantastic and evokes great tranquility. You climb a gentle slope to Tsermangchan Pass at 3,870 metres before descending to the charming village of Hemis Shukpachan. Its name comes from cedar groves or Shukpa, which are used to make incense and are omnipresent in the village. Stroll through this small oasis lost in the desert mountains where small streams and rivers flow in the shade of willows and where yaks, goats and ibex graze peacefully along the trails.

Camp at 3,630 metres / 3h-4h walk / + 240m / -280m
Day 6

Agricultural orchards of apricot trees
This morning, you resume your walk across the pastures, passing many stone chortens (Buddhist stupas) present in all areas of the Himalayas. By a steep gradual climb you pass the Meptek La Pass at 3,880 metres and arrive in a lunar and mineral landscape. Alone in this immensity, you feel truly cut off from the rest of the world. Then you return to the lively Dangdong Tokpo agricultural valley and the village of Ang, famous for its apricot orchards that you are free to taste. You then cross the river and go to Temisgam, with a small fortress and a monastery. Night in camp.

Camp at 3,230 metres / 4h walk / + 310m / -710m
Day 7

Through the traditional villages
Today wake up early for your last day of the trek. You cross the village of Tea where you meet with its inhabitants whose smiles and hospitality will stay in your heart. In the midst of the whitewashed houses, you see magnificent hawthorn bushes with sparkling purple and pink flowers. Then you cross Cham La Pass at 4,030 metres, your highest pass and enter a valley to reach the village of Skinning. You warmly thank your team, local guide, cook and muleteer and take the road, this time by jeep, towards Lamayuru and its monastery, perched on a rocky outcrop. Night in a guesthouse in Nurla next to the river.

Guesthouse at 2,800 metres / 4h walk / + 800m / -530m
Day 8

Alchi Monastery, the oldest monastery in Ladakh
Today, your driver takes you to your guesthouse in Leh. Along the way, why not visit the extraordinary Alchi Monastery, the oldest monastery in Ladakh, dating back to the 11th century. You will be surprised by the precision of its beautiful wall frescos, its many sculptures and paintings on wood. Arrive in the middle of the afternoon at your guesthouse in Leh. Relax and enjoy your evening exploring the local bazaars and tasting the local specialties of the downtown restaurants.

Guesthouse at 3,500 metres
Day 9

Change of scenery, the Tibetan high plateau
This morning, you leave the Indus Valley to join the Rupshu region, and more precisely the Changtang, one of the highest desert plateaus in the world at 4,500 metres altitude. On your way, the narrow valleys open little by little into wild and luminous spaces and landscapes so different from the rest of Ladakh. In these immense U-shaped valleys, dominated by snow-capped peaks, the salt lake of Tso Kar appears with its intense colours. You can see many species of birds including black-necked cranes that migrate to this area. You sleep in a camp near the village of Thukje.

Camp at 4,500 metres
Day 10

Korzoc, the only village in Changtang
Wake up early to reach Korzoc, the only non-nomadic settlement in the region. You will discover a fascinating view of the immense blue lake of Tso Moriri, the most beautiful lake in Ladakh, a remnant of a sea imprisoned for more than 1 million years. Visit the monastery which houses the only school in the area before strolling peacefully along the shores of the lake. This remote region of the world is a very important sanctuary for wildlife, home to many birds, marmots and kyangs (wild donkeys). If you are really lucky, you may even see the elusive snow leopard, very rare!

Camp at 4,500 metres
Day 11

Immersive experience with the Chang-Pa nomads
You start your day accompanied by an old nomadic guide to meet the Chang-Pa, nomads from Tibet. This population lives year-round in tents made from Yak hide. Following a well-established routine, from one pasture to another, these goat, yak, sheep, donkey and horse breeders make their living mainly from the manufacturing and weaving of the world-famous cashmere wool. You bring them fruit and vegetables from the lower valleys, including apples that the schoolboys love. You will surely be invited inside one of their tents to share a typical salted butter tea and spend the night in one of the tents of the camp.

Camp at 4,500 metres
Day 12

Return to the Indus Valley
This morning, you say goodbye and thank the nomadic population before leaving Lake Tsomoriri and this isolated region. This experience has been one of the most intense of your trip and will forever mark your spirits. It's time to get back to Leh. On the way you pass by the beautiful turquoise lake of Kyagar Tso, which shines like a precious stone among the rough rocks. You cross the Namshang La Pass and then you continue on a long descent to reach the Indus Valley. You are delighted to reach your guesthouse and take a well-deserved hot shower.

Guesthouse at 3,500 metres
Day 13

The mixed capital of Ladakh
After a good night's sleep, enjoy a day at rest or venture out to discover Leh. This ancient crossroad between Tibet and Central Asia, was a major trading centre where caravans stopped before joining Kashmir on the ancient Silk Road. You can observe this mix in the architecture, as well as the art, religion and in the sweet local faces that smile at you. Stroll through the old quarters below the royal palace where Ladakhi women, dressed in a black dress and fuchsia belt, sell their vegetables. Walk through the old bazaar filled with local crafts, ideal for finding souvenirs to bring back to your loved ones.

Guesthouse at 3,500 metres
Day 14

Back to the Indian capital
This morning, it's time to bid farewell to this amazing region of Ladakh and catch your flight back to Delhi. With your head in the clouds, spirit in the mountains and your heart still warm, you contemplate the incredible view of the Himalayan range once more. Upon arrival in Delhi, your private driver welcomes you and brings you to your hotel. Local Indian life around you is lively and you will need a few moments to regain your spirits in all this hustle and bustle. Take this opportunity to visit the city or make your last purchases and in the evening, why not enjoy the delicious Indian cuisine around a convivial dinner.
Day 15

Return flight
Depending on your flight schedule, choose how you will spend your last moments in India. Why not treat yourself to an Indian Ayurvedic massage? Based on the principle of rebalancing the energies of the body, this treatment is ideal after trekking in Ladakh. Your driver is at your disposal for the entire day. You can visit India Gate, the gateway to India which is considered the equivalent of the Indian Arc de Triomphe, or the incredible Humayun tomb, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Your driver will then accompany you to the airport for your international flight. End of our services.

Travel conditions

  • Reception and briefing in Leh by a Shanti Travel representative.
  • Transfers and land transport by private vehicle with English-speaking driver. The type of vehicle in Delhi varies with the number of people in the group; Jeep in Ladakh
  • Accommodation: Hotel and guesthouse in Leh, camp in Tso kar and Tso Moriri, and hotel in Delhi and Lamayuru.
  • Meals: Breakfast only, except in Tso Kar, Tso Moriri and during the trek (full board).
  • Domestic flights: Delhi-Leh / Leh-Delhi in economy class. (Price subject to change at the time of booking).
  • A local team to accompany you: English-speaking Ladakhi guide, cooks (and cook helpers for large groups), muleteers as well as pack animals for the transport of collective and individual equipment for camping and cooking.
  • Camping tents (2 people), kitchen tent, kitchen equipment, camping mattresses.
  • International flights.
  • Meals not mentioned above
  • Entrance fees to the temples, monuments and museums planned for the program.
  • Assistance-repatriation insurance.
  • Drinks and personal expenses.
  • Visa fees.
  • Transporation during free days in Delhi and Leh.
  • Tips.
  • Anything that is not listed in the "price includes" section.
Garance Travel Expert India - Indian Himalayas - Ladakh From the Indus Valley to the arid plateau of Changtang, this trek in the Himalayas allows you to discover the varying and equally spectacular landscapes of Ladakh. In this itinerary, I loved going to meet the Chang-Pa nomads and discovering their way of life - an experience forever engraved in my memory.
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Level 1
Walk for 3 to 5 hours a day. Less than 600 meters of elevation gain. Between 3 and 7 days of walking
In private tour
15 days
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